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Popular Topics: Which payment methods are accepted? , What are the advantages of using the pre-order service? ,
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TOP 10 - FAQs
- What are the pre-order service benefits?
- Who can pre-order products?
- When and how the pre-order can be made?
- How can I change or add products to my pre-order?
- What do I need to inform to complete the product pre-order?
- How can I redeem the pre-order?
- What forms of payment are accepted?
- What is the warranty policy for products purchased at Duty Free Dufry?
- What are the customs allowances and maximum quantities?
- How can I verify the status of my claim or information request?
TOP 10 - FAQs
- What are the pre-order service benefits?
- How can I redeem the pre-order?
- Who can pre-order products?
- What forms of payment are accepted?
- When and how the pre-order can be made?
- What is the warranty policy for products purchased at Duty Free Dufry?
- How can I change or add products to my pre-order?
- What are the customs allowances and maximum quantities?
- What do I need to inform to complete the product pre-order?
- How can I verify the status of my claim or information request?